
Mediatek MTK 7621 High performance Outdoor router H721 O, Dual SIM with 5G NR LTE-A & WiFi possibility, 1x LAN 1x WAN, 4x antena 1x M.2 USB3, 1x MiniPCIe, good outdoor enclosure, OpenWRT

Mediatek MTK 7621 High performance Outdoor router H721 O, Dual SIM with 5G NR LTE-A & WiFi possibility, 1x LAN 1x WAN, 4x antena 1x M.2 USB3, 1x MiniPCIe, good outdoor enclosure, OpenWRT

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SKU: H721-O

Wodaplug ® Outdoor 5G 5GNR 4G LTE-A single module router MTK7621 board HW version 7 with switch to support Sierra EM919x and EM7690 modems, 1x LAN 1xWAN, 4 5G outdoor antennas, standalone: 1xM.2 USB3, 1xMiniPCIe, H721O can support 11ac WiFi (11ac 600VX or 900VX module ready, 11ac wave 2 QCA 9984, 9886 modules supported in new firmware). No modules included in, you need to order wifi and LTE 5G or 4G modules based on yoru needs, we will install and test all before shipment. High performance HW, new X-WRT high performance firmware ! OpenWRT supported

After makeing  H721 5G router , we fount that signal is very import for 5Gnr or LTE-A . So we designed a new outdoor unit, we find a good outdoor enclosure (HW B222s-42a), H721O outdoor most design are follow H721 indoor, you can use H721 indoor firmware resource at openwrt or X-WRT master

Our new inventory of H721 routers were special ordered to better accommodate our customer’s needs. New improved 5G ready outdoor version ! Once again, if you want to have all info about ETA, versions,etc pls check our facebook page for news !

The H721O 5G NR outdoor version now includes:

  • outer board*1;  water proof body case*1 ,700-5G PCB antenna ipex4 connector 25cm length *4, 4 L bracket & accessories ,POE is Huawei G


MTK7621A Flash16M / RAM256M(CPU Cores:2 ;CPU MHz:880)

1x M.2 b.key USB 3.0 as 5Gnr interface,

1x Minipcie for PCIE wifi (such as AR928x QCA988x DR7915 ...)

2x FF4 nano sim slot (2ed sim slot follow quectel modem requirement)

Lightning protection design

 Heat sink at botoon of 5Gnr modem

NEW X-WRT firmware available !!!




Wodaplug ® Outdoor 5G 5GNR 4G LTE-A single module router MTK7621 board HW version 7 with switch to support Sierra EM919x and EM7690 modems, 1x LAN 1xWAN, 4 5G outdoor antennas, standalone: 1xM.2 USB3, 1xMiniPCIe, H721O can support 11ac WiFi (11ac 600VX or 900VX module ready, 11ac wave 2 QCA 9984, 9886 modules supported in new firmware). No modules included in, you need to order wifi and LTE 5G or 4G modules based on yoru needs, we will install and test all before shipment.  High performance HW, new X-WRT high performance firmware ! OpenWRT supported

After makeing  H721 5G router , we fount that signal is very import for 5Gnr or LTE-A . So we designed a new outdoor unit, we find a good outdoor enclosure (HW B222s-42a), H721O outdoor most design are follow H721 indoor, you can use H721 indoor firmware resource at openwrt or X-WRT master

Our new inventory of H721 routers were special ordered to better accommodate our customer’s needs. New improved 5G ready outdoor version ! Once again, if you want to have all info about ETA, versions,etc pls check our facebook page for news !

The H721O 5G NR outdoor version now includes:

  • Router board*1;  water proof body case*1 ,700-5G PCB antenna ipex4 connector 25cm length *4, 4 L bracket & accessories ,POE is Huawei G


MTK7621A Flash16M / RAM256M(CPU Cores:2 ;CPU MHz:880)

1x M.2 b.key USB 3.0 as 5Gnr interface,

1x Minipcie for PCIE wifi (such as AR928x QCA988x DR7915 ...)

2x FF4 nano sim slot (2ed sim slot follow quectel modem requirement)

Lightning protection design

 Heat sink at botoon of 5Gnr modem

Operating Temperature: -20℃ ~ 70℃ 


​you can use ROOTer ( firmware. Daiyman Has made firmware for this board. ​support most ROOTer function, support most LTE modem drivers(sierra wireless,Quectel,Huawei,ZTE,Meig)

router has Breed system( , you can easy and safe flash firmware,

New X-WRT firmware :

Has tested:

sierra wireless EM9190

Quectel RM520N-GL RM500Q RM502Q RM520N RM505Q RM510Q EC25 EC20 EM06 EM12G-SAGA  EM12G-MSFT

sierra wireless EM(MC)7355 EM(MC)7455 EM7430 EM7565 EM7511  EM919x.

MeiG SLM750 (TA)

ZTE ME3760 ME3860

Telit LN940 , T77w676(HP LT4220), T77w968(DW5821e)

WiFi 6​  modules MT7915 and MT7916 supported in X-WRT and Immortal-WRT firmware

Add Ath9K and 10K drivers for all QCA and AR wifi card router has pre-flashed BREED ( and latest ROOTer firmware

You can also use immortalwrt and x-wrt firmware. We also put all CAD file and CE / FCC ROHS certification in our ftp drive.

Video :

We shoot some video you can see all parts:

 bracket and bracket install:

 enclosure inside + 4x antenna :

 5G modem instalation :

New X-WRT firmware :

Default WiFi passwords - for older firmare version it was "12345678" , new Rooter firmware version use "rooter2017" as default WiFi password.

you can use this link to commit your own firmware - 

NEW X-WRT firmware available !!!

================X-WRT RELEASE NOTES===========================
Attention - X-wrt default IP address is username admin password admin.

Default X-WRT information: SSID:X-WRT_XXXX. SSID Password:88888888.

We made a video about H721 new firmare webui,

firmware download link:

1 - New firmware has support AW7916 / AW7915 wifi 6 modules. Do not support QCN wifi 6.
2 - It supports RM520N-GL. X-WRT soft engineer use RM520N . You need manual create new interface (QMAP cellular) and manual choose AT port to display modem signal information

3 - New fw has introduce new Quectel QMAP , it will reduce cpu load.
4 - Full support hw-nat,
5 - Support dual-lte or 5G modem load-balance (see instruction.)

The modem signal luci is still in development.


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